ADM6316 is a supervisory circuit. It monitors power supply voltage levels and code execution integrity in microprocessor based systems. As well as providing power-on reset signals, an on-chip watchdog timer can reset the microprocessor if it fails to strobe within a preset timeout period. A reset signal can also be asserted by an external push button through a manual reset input. This supervisory circuit is widely used in application such as microprocessor systems computers, controllers, intelligent instruments, portable equipment etc. • Reset threshold voltage is 3.08V• Minimum reset timeout is 1120ms• Typical watchdog timeout is 25.6sec• Reset output stages is push-pull active low, open-drain active low, push-pull active high• Low power consumption is 5µA, supply current is 10µA typ at (VCC = 5.5V)• Guaranteed reset output valid to VCC = 1V• Power supply glitch immunity, specified over industrial temperature range• VCC operating voltage range is 1.5V to 5V• Operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C• Packaging style is 5-lead SOT-23
Время Задержки | 1.6с |
Количество Выводов | 5вывод(-ов) |
Количество Устройств Мониторинга | 1монитор(-ов) |
Корпус Цифровой ИС | SOT-23 |
Максимальная Рабочая Температура | 85 C |
Максимальное Напряжение Питания | 5.5В |
Минимальная Рабочая Температура | -40 C |
Минимальное Напряжение Питания | 1В |
Пороговое Напряжение | 3.08В |
Тип Сброса | Ручной, По Активному Низкому, Двухтактный |
Уровень Чувствительности к Влажности (MSL) | MSL 1-Безлимитный |