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DS1340Z-33+T, Часы реального времени, Clock/Calendar, I2C, 2-Wire [SOIC-8] /Код si-965062

DS1340Z-33+T, Часы реального времени, Clock/Calendar, I2C, 2-Wire [SOIC-8]
  • 380
  • Скидка 33%
x 254 руб

  • Артикул: si-965062
The DS1340Z-33+ is an I?C Real-time Clock (RTC) with trickle charger. The real-time clock (RTC)/calendar that is pin compatible and functionally equivalent to the ST M41T00, including the software clock calibration. The device additionally provides trickle-charge capability on the VBACKUP pin, a lower timekeeping voltage and an oscillator STOP flag. Block access of the register map is identical to the ST device. Two additional registers, which are accessed individually, are required for the trickle charger and flag. The clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month and year information. A built-in power-sense circuit detects power failures and automatically switches to the backup supply. Reads and writes are inhibited while the clock continues to run. The device is programmed serially through an I?C bidirectional bus. • Enhanced second source for ST M41T00• Completely manages all timekeeping functions• Low-power operation extends battery backup run time• Supports systems using legacy and modern power buses• Simple serial port interfaces with most microcontrollers• Underwriters Laboratories (UL®) recognized
ОсобенностиLeap Year, Trickle-Charger
Формат времени24-часовой(HH:MM:SS)
Формат датыYY-MM-DD-dd
Интерфейсi2c, 2-wire serial
Напряжение питания, В2.97…5.5
Батарейное питание, В1.3…5.5
Потребляемый ток, мкА150
Рабочая температура,°C-40…+85
Вес, г0.15

Контактная информация

  • Рабочие часы: Пн-Пт: 08:00-20:00, Сб-Вс: 10:00-18:00
  • Адрес: г. Санкт-Петербург, СПб, метро "Купчино" Балканская пл., д.5

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