The STM32F303CBT6 is a 32-bit 128kB flash ARM®Cortex® -M4 Microcontroller Unit offers digital signal processing (DSP) and floating point unit (FPU). It offers up to four fast 12-bit ADCs, seven comparators and four operational amplifiers, up to two DAC channels, a low-power RTC and up to five general-purpose 16-bit timers, one general-purpose 32-bit timer and two timers dedicated to motor control. It also features standard and advanced communication interfaces up to two I?Cs and up to three SPIs, three USARTs, up to two UARTs, CAN and USB. To achieve audio class accuracy, the I?S peripherals can be clocked via an external PLL. It incorporates high-speed embedded memories and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. • CRC calculation unit• Reset and power management - Power-ON/power DOWN reset (POR/PDR)• Programmable voltage detector• Low-power - Sleep, stop and standby• VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers• Interconnect matrix• Calendar RTC with alarm, periodic wakeup from stop/standby• Serial wire debug, Cortex®-M4 with FPU ETM, JTAG• 96-bit Unique ID
Серия | stm32 f3 |
Ядро | ARM Cortex-M4 |
Ширина шины данных | 32-бит |
Тактовая частота | 72 мгц |
Количество входов/выходов | 37 |
Объем памяти программ | 128 кбайт(128k x 8) |
Тип памяти программ | flash |
Объем RAM | 32k x 8 |
Наличие АЦП/ЦАП | ацп 4x12b/цап 2x12b |
Встроенные интерфейсы | can, i2c, irda, lin, spi, uart, usb |
Встроенная периферия | dma, i2s, por, pwm, wdt |
Напряжение питания | 2…3.6 в |
Рабочая температура | -40…+85c |
Корпус | lqfp-48(7x7) |
Вес, г | 1.4 |